Tournament / Match End
This event is triggered when all players in tournament/match have holed out or forfeit, and the tournament/match ends.
All matches and tournaments trigger the following packets:
- GameService Client 0x0006 Match Statistics Submit,
- (unless this event has been triggered by GameService Client 0x00aa Match Statistics Submit (Tiki Report))
- GameService Server 0x0133 Treasure Point Result,
- (unless there are no items to give)
- GameService Server 0x0134 Treasure Point Winnings,
- GameService Server 0x0216 User Status Update,
- GameService Server 0x022E Achievement Unlocked,
- GameService Server 0x0220 Achievement Update,
- GameService Server 0x0244 Undocumented, and
- GameService Server 0x00C8 Pang Balance.
A match, but not a tournament, also triggers:
A tournament, but not a match, also triggers:
A match or tournament ending also triggers rejoining the waiting area for the room, thus: